Saturday, July 16, 2011
[Announcement] HSC is moving in!
Ok Everyone! It's time to move in! Sanada Corner has has moved in to:
This blog won't be updated anymore, yet the previous news will remain as an archives!
See you on HSC new site!...
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
[Exclusive: Photo] 47Ronin on-set the photo

Couldn't determine...this might be Keanu and it might be Hiro...but Personally i think that's Keanu...I've submitted this photo thinking it was Hiro but when I took another look.....I think this might be Keanu....
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
[Exclusive: Photo] Hiroyuki Sanada '47 Ronin' second on-set photo

Thank to my friend Jessica (from HS Group on facebook) we managed to take a look on another picture for Hiro on the set of 47 Ronin. Take a look :...
Monday, July 11, 2011
[Exclusive: 47 Ronin Diary] Entry #3

Our third diary entry: Our 47Ronin Diary writer this time is "Junichi Kajioka". Jun was playing "not sure" what exactly in 47Ronin. Check out what he said.....and what pictures he has :...
Saturday, July 9, 2011
[Info] Leila Wong on Sanada-San, "He was very friendly and kinda shy"

It's was nice of actress Leila Wong to share her experience on the set of 47 Ronin and her thoughts about Hiroyuki Sanada...
[Exclusive: 47 Ronin Diary] Entry #2

Our second diary entry: Our 47Ronin Diary writer this time is "Leila Wang". Lelia was playing a Geisha girl. Check out what she said.....
[Exclusive: 47 Ronin Diary] Entry #1

Ok! Our first diary entry: Now this is since last month but it might come in handy :). Our 47Ronin Diary writer this time is "ANTHONY TAN". Anthony is doing an extra in the movie. Check out what he said...
[New on HSC] "47Ronin Diary" a new 47Ronin exclusive section

Thanks to many friends and searches and also the soical networking media, HSC manages to find more exclusive stuff from the 47Ronin staff (crew and extras) in a form of diary...
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
[News] Hiroyuki Sanada had a gift for Jin Akanishi

Jin Akanishi had received a special gift on his birthday from our Sanada. What a sweethear...
[Info] HSC is #7 in the "Best Blog" contest

This is defentily HSC best week! Too many great things are happening and thanks to YOU Hiro fans...
Saturday, July 2, 2011
[Info] HSC is recommended by

Many thanks to Reiko the owner of Hiroyuki Sanada new site called for recommanding HSC to all Hiroyuki Sanada's fans. Read to know...